In Memoriam
Peter Stormonth Darling
We announce with great sadness the death of Peter Stormonth Darling.
The Art Newspaper, November 2019
Peter Stormonth Darling, 29th September1932 - 16th September 2019,
was a trustee of the International Trust for Croatian Monuments for
many years and he was a close and dear family friend for many years
more. My late husband, Henry, was the godfather of Peter’s first
born daughter, Christa.
Peter brought his tremendous business experience, thought, ideas and
a great deal of fun to all of our Trust meetings. He was also very
generous with his time and financial support. Although I know very
little about it, Peter was generous not only to our Trust, but to
many other arts and cultural bodies with which he was connected.
Among them, World Monuments Fund, The National Gallery,
Glyndebourne, Global Heritage Fund and many others that I do not
know of. His generosity spread to other fields, for example, to
Sussex Hospices, for which he really cared. He was generous to
everybody that he knew, including many individuals. Having achieved
great successes in the City, Peter was quick to share it with
others. Peter continued working long after retirement age. He had an
office in St James’s and he went there often, until the very end.
He was, above all, a very loveable man. We all who knew him will
always miss his letters, containing cuttings of interest to the
person he was writing to, always with a photograph of relevance at
the back of the envelope, always with a very interesting stamp, not
the run of the mill. Peter, of course, collected stamps. His
Christmas cards always contained a special sheet, with jokes,
events, of the past year. And the photographs, in beautiful albums
that he prepared so carefully for many of us. He loved taking
photographs and worked on them himself. He was indeed generous with
his time.
He leaves three daughters, Christa, Iona and Arabella, their
husbands and their children. There is also a little great grandson
recently born who gave Peter much pleasure when his family brought
him over to England from the United States.
Peter will be greatly missed by his family and his many, many
friends from all around the world.
Jadranka Beresford-Peirse